Listed below is a table of historical exchange rates relative to the U.S. dollar, at . Some of the data for the years 1997-2002 refers to the rate on, or close to, 1 January .
Based on daily rates for the US dollar . Real-time quotes provided by BATS Exchange . sovereign debt fears and disappointing U.S. data .
Select the Report. Representative Rates for Selected Currencies These rates, normally quoted as currency units per U.S. dollar .
View this currency rate table to compare the USD, American Dollar to all other currencies. . click on values to see the historical graphs. exchange rate data us dollar Download this data .
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Country Data. Bilateral exchange rate data are updated every Monday . 1999, we discontinued posting dollar exchange rates against . Accessibility Contact us Disclaimer Linking .
The noon exchange rate for the Canadian dollar against the U.S. dollar is calculated to reflect the trades . obtained from sources believed to be reliable, the data are .
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